
A few more exact times :

After then-President Trump gave his social media video for his supporters to "Go home" at 4:17 PM, police around the Capitol were astonished at how quickly they left.

Again, from the NPR timeline, and other timelines published.
By 6 PM the protesters were gone.

Also at 6 PM, National Guard troops FINALLY arrived, AFTER the protesters had already left Washington Square and the Capitol.
At 7 PM, Capitol police searched every room for protesters (already gone) and confirmed the building was re-secured.
At 8 PM, with the Capitol again secured, House and Senate members were re-admitted, back into THE EXACT SAME ROOM they had begun the electoral count hours earlier, no damage to the room. The electoral count proceeded, and was finalized just before 4 AM.

No panicpanic"INSURRECTION !!!"panicpanic
No destructtion or permanent damage, or even visible damage. A few exterior windows broken (probably by false-flag FBI disguised as Trump supporters, windows that by my own experience take less than an hour to replace.

As opposed to the ACTUAL insurrection, and PERMANENT destruction caused by BLM, Antifa and other Democrats in 600 cities in the weeks after the George Floyd protests, beginning in May 2020. A police precinct station looted and burned to the ground. Five square miles of businesses looted and burned to the ground, in Minneapolis alone. And duplicated in 600 cities nationwide.
An ACTUAL insurrection.
ACTUAL mass destruction.
ACTUAL PEOPLE KILLED, not by police or Trump supporters, but by the Leftist rioters.

Likewise the several blocks around then-President Trump's White House, where 50 Secret Service agents were seriously injured, and a historic church burned.
Trump's walk across the street from the White House to the burned church, hated by Democrats and the liberal media, was precisely done to force the liberal media to display the damage in their broadcast news video coverage, that they would otherwise have selectively ignored and hidden.

The siege on the White House was so real, and so close to being over-run, that Secret Service had to move President Trump elsewhere to a more secure location.
You often have to go outside U.S. media to see it covered accurately.


THAT was an organized "seige" or "insurrection".
The Jan 6th events at the Capitol were not.

And again, while the May 2020 BLM siege on D.C. endangered the President inside the White House, it was still just one of 600 city-destroying riots occurring simultaneously nationwide.

Which by the way, VP Kamala Harris and other Democrat leaders supported, through a Minneapolis bail fund, to let out the most violent rioters to do even more damage.
Not one Democrat leader condemned he BLM /George Floyd violence and destruction. Quite the opposite, virtually all openly endorsed it.

If you want to talk about encouraging and not preventing violence, M E M. rolleyes

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.