Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Willis tried to hire two other prominent attorneys before she offered the role to Wade. Willis first asked Roy Barnes, a former Georgia governor, to serve as senior counsel in the Trump prosecution, then asked Gabe Banks, a former federal prosecutor. Both men, concerned about MAGA threats to their personal safety, declined.

You can simply google Fani Willis death threats and confirm that she gets them. But you are part of the maga herd who enjoys it when Trump jokes about Pelosi’s husband being brutally beaten in their home. Someone who watched on Jan 6 as Trump supporters broke in and tried hunting Pelosi down and now calls them the victims. We have different principles.

Frankly, if she were less partisan in how she has handled the Trump case from the start, and she just handled the case in a more legallly detached way, I would be defending her regarding death threats, I would defend her and say the threats were un-American, because she was just legally and lawfully doing her job, even though she is prosecuting Trump.
IF she were behaving in an ethical, legal and lawful way.

But when she and her entire office have handled the case in such an abusive and left-wing partisan way, and people are threatening them, I say.. GOOD !
She has behaved in a way that HAS EARNED death threats, she has been part of a weaponization of government, and has worked in coordination with Joe Biden and Merrick Garland's ultra-partisan weaponized DOJ.
When she has behaved in such a lawless way, it solicits a lawless reaction, it is so blatantly unfair, what she is doing. And she is deliberately interfering in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Fortunately, in both the maliciousness of her politicized indictments of Trump and others, and in the audacious personal corruption of both her and Nathan Wade, part of me hopes one of those giving her threats means it as more than just words of intimidation, has a good sniper rifle, and a clear shot.

But seriously...

I still think it is better for the country, and for Trump and the Republicans if no one actually does that. I pride myself in that Republicans are the rule-of-law party, while Democrats are the corrupt, lawless party of ruthless Bolshevik Marxist revolutionaries. And I think it is better if no one seriously tries to attack Fani Willis or anyone in her office.
Better for the law to take Wade and Willis out.

And frankly, I've very proud of the fact that 74.3 million voted for Trump (in the official count, before that total was rigged, I think it was a much higher count for Trump, and others have made forensic arguments for how that was rigged, with computer algorithms, and with Dominion voting machines, an example of in the latter case was PROVEN to have been exactly what happened in a small rural county in northern Michigan , where the Democrat and Republican counts in the 2020 eleciton were proven to have been reversed, and once caught, were "corrected". Antrim County, if I recall correctly).
How many cased that WEREN'T caught, were NOT corrected?
Bu regardless, out of 74.3 million outraged Trump voters, there have been no violent incidents over the last 3 years.

I know how angry I was for at least the first 2 years after the election, and there are millions more Republicans who, unlike me, have military training to start a revolution. And millions more Republicans who own and are well trained in use of guns, on a less military level, but enough to maybe form a militia of some kind.
And the fact that, despite how incredibly suspicious the election was, how betrayed we were, and how the federal reaction was completely lacking in re-counts or other legal accountability, court rulings, audits and so forth after Nov 2020... I've very proud of how committed to the rule of law that 74.3 million Trump voters were in the last 3 years.

So much committed to rule of law, that Democrats, and the Democrat-weaponized FBI, weaponized DHS, weaponized DC Metro police, and Capitol police HAD TO MANUFACTURE a fake "insurrection" narrative since Jan 6h, in the absence of any actual violence, either at the Capitol, or nationwide.
And the piece of shit Democrat weaponized FBI, even 3 years later, STILL devotes 60% of its resources to a fictional Democrat-narrative "white supremacist insurrectionist" threat, that doesn't even exist. At a time when literally millions of criminals, foreign military, drug cartels, gang members, and other assorted murderers and rapists are illegally pouring across our Southern border every day, to attack, rape and kill Americans, and even FBI is predicing anoher 9/11-level terrorist incident.

The January 6th protesters arrested and held without trial, many for 3 years now, in the worst conditions, by a hate-filled Democrat warden (as is manifest in her own Facebook posts) and guards, who beat them, deprive them of the ability to even bathe or shave, to have flushing toilets, are given unclean drinking water, are deprived of cancer medications, are put for long periods in solitary confinement, and in many cases report being beaten just for reporting their bad treatment to family members, or for just requesting a lawyer.
That is amazing testament to the enormous patience and respect for rule of law there is by 74.3 million Republican/Trump supporters, no matter how slandered, no matter how badly treated indefinitely, they are very patiently waiting for the justice denied to them, no doubt waiting for at least another year.

And in contrast, regarding the little bit of threats endured by Fani Willis and Nathan Wade... fuck them.
Amid their great taxpayer-provided luxury and graft, and have far more police protection than is provided to the average fleeced taxpayer who ARE ENDANGERED by D.A. Fani Willis' "woke" policies in her crime-infested Fulton County, Willis' death threats are nothing beyond the norm for an attorney, whether prosecution or defense, on ANY high-profile case, whether it is a political case or a simple murder case. But the Democrat/Left portrays Wade and Willis, these malicious corrupt hidden-agenda liars, as victims.
Despite in truth they probably exaggerate their threats for public sympathy, but certainly face no more threats, and probably less, than received by lawyers in OTHER high-profile legals cases.

Such as the Caylee Anthony case: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Caylee_Anthony

Or the Jodi Arias case: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Travis_Alexander

Or the Kyle Rittenhouse case: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyle_Rittenhouse

Or the George Zimmerman case: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_of_George_Zimmerman

No doubt all of whose attorneys received death threats, just for representing these accused persons. How much police protection do you think THEY had?
Probably a lot less than D.A. Fani Willis.

I've seen principled lawyers such as Alan Dershowitz talk about how even a defendant who is guilty deserves a good lawyer to represent them, if just get them the best and most fair sentence, even when they are absolutely known to be guilty.
And then there are cases where someone is falsely accused and needs a good lawyer, to prove their innocence, despite public outrage and a wide perception of their guilt. (Kyle Rittenhouse, George Zimmerman, and Daniel Penny come to mind) .
How many times do you think Alan Dershowiz has been threatened, just for defending in a controversial case? (Such as defending Trump during his Jan 2020 faked impeachment.hearing)

Compared o all THOSE high-profile and controversial cases... how many times have Trump's lawyers been unjustifiably threatened?
IN ADDITION to that, the fact that Trump's lawyers, beyond violent threats, are being threatened by the 65 Project with lawfare cases to bankrupt them, and intended to have them disbarred and unable to ever again earn an income in the law field. Just for giving Trump the same right to an attorney as any other person in the U.S.

And if they can threaten wealthy attorneys just for representing Trump, intimidate many others from even taking Trump's legal case, they can threaten and destroy anyone in the U.S.
But of course you don't care about that, because you're a Democrat-Bolshevik, and... Hate Trump, get Trump. By any vicious unlawful means.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.