
magicjay38 said:
G-man, this should be moved to the Canada/Gay marriage thread


Wonder Boy said:

No invasion of my rights and freedoms?

As I said in the Canada allows same-sex marriage topic, repeatedly, Canada has already outlawed the ability to publicly or on the airwaves criticize homosexuality. Which also means publicly or on the airwaves quoting the verses that condemn homosexual acts as immoral.
Those lobbying for similar expansions in U.S. law are treading on the Biblical concept of marriage, in addition to similar laws in the U.S. banning any Biblical objection to gays as a "hate-crime".

I know you don't share that perspective, but it is a valid argument.
That such liberal "freedoms" for gays are an invasion of my space and stealing from me, giving rights to gays while simultaneously taking rights and religious freedoms from Christians, and anyone else who objects to homosexuality and would publicly debate the issue.

Gradually eroding religious freedoms, but still seeking to twist the law to take away rights from me and every Christian.

No one is taking away your right to personal prejudice. You can say whatever you wish. It's the social acceptability of the remarks that's changing. You can still talk about the 'fuckin' niggers' or 'Jew bastards' if you want. You might find people shunning you, though. You object to the same thing happening with regards to queer folk.


Where have I ever said anything anti-Semitic ?

On the contrary, I'm one of the most pro-Jewish and pro-Israel people you will ever meet.
The Jews are the instrument through which God created the Bible, both Old and New Testaments.
God protects them like no other people.
And their history as a race and a nation is the instrument through which fulfilled prophecy foretells the second coming of Christ.

Likewise (and I feel stupid for having to even answer the specious allegation) I have no animosity toward blacks as a race either.

There are certain political groups within the liberal black community I'm critical of, who (along with many liberal whites) who cultivate a "victim culture" mentality within the black community, to exploit them for votes, and divide America in the process.

I've previously quoted articles that cite comparisons between the career success of foreign blacks who immigrate to the U.S., as compared to American born blacks.
Which shows that it is not racism in America (as liberals allege) that keeps blacks from acheiving in education and economically, and not inherent inferiority of blacks ( as the KKK and other anti-black racist and white supremacist groups allege), but that it is a cultivated victim-culture mindset within the black community that stifles the success of many black Americans.

I'm not saying that racism against blacks, or many other minorities, or even against white Americans doesn't exist, at least in pockets.
But for every place that such racism occurs, there are a hundred others that it does not. And thus, while existing, is not a factor that keeps any racial or ethnic group out of a job, or anything else.


Magicjay said:

You can preach against us if you want. But if you incite others to commit violent acts, you may have a problem.

Again... ??!??

You're the one who constantly expresses that you wish your political opposition would die.

And that you expressed glee at the thought that President Reagan might have been killed during the assassination attempt on him in 1981.

And that our volunteer soldiers in Iraq are "dumbasses, who deserve to die."


Magicjay said :
Gay people mostly just want to live their lives in peace, without the threat of violence. Some want to form life relationships and sanctify them with marriage vows. No one is demanding that you or your church accept or participate in the process. There are many Christian and other churches that will.

The bible clearly states how Jews and Christians are to regard homosexual acts. See the Canada Allows Same-sex Marriage topic, where I printed out those verses:

Genesis chapter 13: v 13
Genesis 18 and 19
Leviticus 7:21, 18:22, 20:13
Romans 1:18-32
2 Peter 2:1-22
Jude, v 5-10
1 Corinthians 6:9

But that, of course, is another topic. If you really wish to discuss homosexuality as it relates to Christianity, it makes sense to discuss it in the appropriate topic.

And by the way as I've said in another topic:



Wonder Boy said :
Do I not approve of the gay lifestyle or gay activism, which seeks to smother religious freedom, by preventing others from voicing their opposing beliefs about the immorality of homosexuality ?
No, I don't approve, and am thus open to labelling as a "homophobe".

Do I still have friends, co-workers and family members who are gay, who I still associate with and treat no differently despite their views I disagree with ?
Yes, I continue to interact with them, and therefore am not a "homophobe".

So I don't hate gays either.
I simply dissent from their social/political viewpoint.


Magicjay said:

Merry Christmas, Happy New year and a Super Saturnalia to you, Wonder Boy!

Awwwwww. Merry Christmas to you too !

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.