I was going to take a break from this topic for a day or two, but I saw this post by G-man to another topic:


the G-man said:

Long Beach, CA

    A judge Friday sentenced four black teenagers to probation and 60 days of house arrest for their roles in the mob beatings of three white women on Halloween night, evoking tears of joy among the defendants and their relatives and gasps of indignation among the victims' families.

    Deputy Dist. Atty. Andrea Bouas had asked for nine months in probation camp for three of the teenagers. Her jaw dropped when Judge Gibson Lee gave the first defendant probation, and as the hearings went on, she choked up, wiping her eyes with tissue.

    Despite testimony that their involvement in the beatings varied, Lee handed identical sentences of probation, house arrest and 250 hours of community service to Anthony and Antoinette Ross, twins who turned 18 during the trial; to their 16-year-old sister; and to another 16-year-old described during the trial as Anthony's girlfriend.

    [Several of the defendants] were also found to have committed a hate crime during the attack.

    The beatings, which took place on a street in Long Beach's well-to-do Bixby Knolls section known for its lavish Halloween displays, roiled the city with allegations of racial hatred and violence. All 10 defendants maintained their innocence throughout the trial.

    even as the sentencing was underway, one of the victims, Loren Hyman, was undergoing facial reconstruction surgery to repair the multiple fractures in her nose and around her eye from the beatings.

    [Two of the victims] accused the judge and the district attorney's office of buckling to political pressure.

Probation and 60 days house arrest. That'll teach 'em.

I just wonder, how many cases have to be listed before the problem of black violence, and the deeply prevalent ideology in the black community that rationalizes it, is acknowledged as a real problem, and not dismissively swept aside with labels of "White.Hot.Fear." and so forth, on those who voice legitimate concern.

A hundred examples? A thousand? Ten thousand?

The problem exists, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.


Beardguy57 said:


Jason E. Perkins said:

Humans tend to do this all the time. The tendency to categorize + the need to protect self. It's how we learn to keep our hands off every stove. It's so important that it works beyond the top part of our brain that rationalizes and actually looks at the numbers.

Wonder Boy's words did not upset me, either. I am disappointed that he said that, but, see the highlighted part of your post above.

And while not angry, I was disappointed that you said this, Beardguy. It's akin to namecalling. It annoys me that I backed off, sympathetic to Jason's other more immediate concerns, and yet got a faceful of this.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.