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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Lol, g-man already in spin mode. I don't think Trump will get to keep from showing his taxes.

Trying to turn a thread about the chaos at the DNC convention, chaos you all but assured us would never happen, into a thread about Trump and, now, his taxes.

I think it's pretty obvious who is in spin mode.

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Are you hearing boos tonight g?

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Just How United Are the Democrats Tonight?:
  • A group of pro-Bernie convention attendees just chanted “Bernie or jail” in the hallway of the arena. Pro-Bernie, anti-Hillary protesters got into the media tent adjacent to the arena. And there was a fairly well-attended Black Lives Matter/Bernie or Bust rally in downtown Philadelphia Tuesday; signs like “Bernie or Jill, Never Hillary” suggested these activists were not going to fall in line and support Clinton.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man on 7/24/16 @ 9:49 am
Onto the DNC which I'm guessing will be easily a more positive unifying convention than the GOP's.

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Clinton hitting it out of the park for his wife.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man on 7/24/16 @ 9:49 am
Onto the DNC which I'm guessing will be easily a more positive unifying convention than the GOP's.

Angry Sanders supporters shut down streets outside DNC:
  • Bernie Sanders loyalists protested inside and outside the Democratic National Convention site and clashed with police on Tuesday after Hillary Clinton won the party’s presidential nomination.

    Despite Sanders’ calls for them to support Clinton, thousands of activists have taken to the streets during the convention this week to voice support for the liberal Vermont U.S. senator and his progressive agenda.

    Moments after Clinton became the first woman to be nominated for president by a major U.S. political party, a large group of Sanders delegates and supporters exited the Philadelphia convention site to hold a sit-in inside a media tent. Some had their mouths taped shut. A few spontaneously sang the chorus of the folk song “This Land is Your Land,” and a banner read “we the people.” They said they were holding a peaceful protest to complain about being shut out by the Democratic Party.

    “This was not a convention. This was a four-day Hillary party. And we weren’t welcome,” said Liz Maratea, a New Jersey delegate at the media tent protest. “We were treated like lepers.”

    In the streets outside, Sanders supporters who had spent the day protesting began facing off with police. Protesters began scaling 8-foot walls blocking off the secure zone around the arena parking lot, and several were detained. An officer sprayed one of the protesters.

    Unmoved by Sanders’ plea for party unity, the Bernie or Bust protesters walked miles in the stifling heat again Tuesday to make their case for him.

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Actually they wouldn't be making their case for him. He had a good response that made his support for Clinton clear.

Btw I've been watching and not hearing any booing. Are you hearing any?

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Convention still packed with lots of cheering

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man on 7/24/16 @ 9:49 am
Onto the DNC which I'm guessing will be easily a more positive unifying convention than the GOP's.

Chicago Tribune, 9:23 pm:
  • The protests continued into the night with Sanders supporters and anti-police brutality protesters joining together. They marched in the street outside of the Wells Fargo Center.

    The crowd consisted of an assortment of protesters espousing a variety of causes, but mostly Sanders supporters and other Clinton foes on the left. College student Cory James said he expects the Democratic Party to split over the nomination.

    "I suspect we are witnessing an event that will fundamentally change American politics," said James, of Flint, Michigan.

    Earlier in the day, participants at the rally charged that Sanders was cheated out of the nomination, and they said they weren't swayed by his Monday plea to his supporters to fall in line behind Clinton for the good of the country.

    "He persuaded no one to vote for Hillary," said Greg Gregg, a retired nurse from Salem, Oregon, who intends to cast his ballot in November for Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

    Black Men for Bernie founder Bruce Carter said Monday's speeches from Sanders and Massachusetts U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren didn't persuade him to support Clinton.

    "They really agitate people more every time they stand up and do the Hillary Clinton hoo-rah hoo-rah," he said.

    Carter, a Dallas resident, said he doesn't fear a Republican Donald Trump presidency.

    Chris Scully, an engineer from Troy, New York, held a "Jill Before Hill" sign outside City Hall and said he opposes Clinton because of her war record as U.S. secretary of state.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump does have some Russian connections and Putin has to like a candidate that declares that NATO is stupid.

The full context is that he thinks our leaders for 20 years or more have been stupid, not that NATO is stupid.
That just like our international trade deals, political leaders in the United States have been fleeced by nations not paying their fair share of their agreed portion of NATO defense costs.

I love the way you constantly front distortions that are outright lies as if they were "facts".

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think the Russian hacking will certainly continue to be a story.

I see....So the Red Menace is back, aye?

Yeah, so NOW the Democrats think Russia is a threat. ;\)

But, seriously, I'm sure this "conspiracy theory" will get a lot of traction with the far left, but ultimately it'll be just a credible as "Reagan and the Ayatollah caused the hostage crisis" and "Bush caused 9/11."

The bottom line here is that the DNC got caught acting unethically (and possibly illegally) and now they're trying to play the distraction game

In addition, Obama is manifestly treasonous. As is Hillary Clinton regarding the Benghazi attack, regarding the preceding negligence in Benghazi despite dozens of repeated pleas for added security by Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi over a 4 month period, and regarding Obama/Hillary leaving U.S. armed forces to die in Beghazi.

And both Obama and Hillary are also manifestly treasonous regarding their communication on Hillary's illegal private e-mail server, that according to FBI director James Comey. was almost certainly hacked by both the Russians and Chinese.

And before those crises, this conversation with Medvedev:

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually they wouldn't be making their case for him. He had a good response that made his support for Clinton clear.

Btw I've been watching and not hearing any booing. Are you hearing any?

That's because the Sanders supporters that would vocally oppose have all been tossed outside. As G-man has already detailed above, they are vocal and in great numbers just outside the DNC convention auditorium, at least as vocal today as yesterday.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Regarding Bill Clinton's speech tonight...

... Pulitzer-winning Judith Miller, along with Brad Blakeman, commented that despite over 30 years in politics, it was amazing how many who have known the Clintons that long have never heard these stories!
Brit Hume immediately after Clinton finished wondered how much of it would later be revealed to be "pure compost".

And hours before Bill Clinton appeared onstage, Trump this morning made a speech before the VFW, where far from Bill Clinton's image of Hillary as a "natural builder" (or "change maker", with pre-packaged signs for the delegates in the audience to hold up, oh so spontaneously!), Hillary has in fact been a destroyer of U.S. national security and of the lives of people in our military, in Benghazi, and the lives threatened by top secret information in her compromised e-mail sever.

With facts rather than warm anecdotes, Trump exposes Hillary as a destroyer of the country she would lead. Likewise her rhetoric about police that has stoked Black Lives Matter types to kill cops in cities nationwide.
Likewise Hillary is a destroyer of the lives of innocent women who reluctantly came forward to tell the truth about their sexual liasons with Bill Clinton( Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky), and in cases their sexual harassment (Paula Jones), and even rape (Juanita Broaddrick). Women Hillary Clinton knew to be telling the truth, but ruthlessly destroyed anyway, to advance her own political ambitions.

Trump also went into his opinions about NATO and other economic and foreign policy issues in an interview with Bill O'Reilly earlier tonight, before Clinton's speech.

Which also disproves a lot of the DNC's (and M E M's) false talking points.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Another element that pisses me off (and most of America) is their bringing black moms of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner (the moms of three thugs who died, two because they initiated violence, or in Garner's case didn't cooperate when questioned and had health problems when restrained. And then were stoked up by race-baiter Democrat politicians and the radical left to advance a false narrative, as manufactured national martyrs of alleged police racism).

In two cases, these are the moms of black thugs who tried to kill people. In Michael Brown's case, tried to kill a police officer.

They are represented by their mothers here (falsely) as innocent victims of police violence.
But the surviving wives and family of murdered cops, (many killed just in the last month!) were not given a voice by the DNC convention, and are nowhere in sight.

Pretty clear message: BLUE lives don't matter to the Democrats, they are just cannon fodder for the DNC to stoke up the black/minority vote with distorted narratives and rhetoric.

And I would further argue that the rhetoric of Hillary Clinton and other opportunistic lying Democrat leaders is precisely what stoked these radicals to kill officers in cities nationwide, in just the last few weeks.

Again: as I posted at the time of the Michael Brown shooting, O'Reilly did a report on the latest statistics at that time: In the latest statistical year, there were 8 million arrests nationwide. Of those, there were 600 deaths in police custody. And of those, only 150 were of black suspects. Those are the hard numbers of the alleged "war on blacks". And most of those shootings are unquestionably justified.

So... out of a U.S. population of approximately 320,000,000, 13% of America is black, about 42 million. And out of that 42 million, about 150 a year die in police custody. That's not a high ratio. Roughly one every 2 or 3 days. And the other 450 (more than 1 a day, still not a lot) are mostly white or Hispanic.

Also, nothing at this convention about the 92% ratio of black-on-black shootings, about 6,000 a year. 40 times as many! Apparently "Black Lives Matter" to black radicals and Democrat politicians ONLY when they are killed by whites or police, when they can demagogue and exploit it politically.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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DNC Convention 2016: Soviet Flags, Palestinian Flag – BUT NO US FLAGS

America is an evil unjust place they hate. But the Soviet flag (flag of a nation that killed at least 30 million of its own people!) THAT's a flag they're proud to carry.

Never mind that the Soviet Union hasn't even existed since 1991.

Plus the DNC that fronts itself as the superior party regarding rights for women, rights for gays, proudly displays the Palestinian flag of a country known for misogyny and suppression of women, and throwing gays, when discovered, off the roof of apartment buildings.

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That's a lie WB and has been debunked...
Fox Correspondent Corrects Own Network’s False Attack The DNC Showcases No American Flags
Your the one that is supporting a person who has draft dodged and attacked and panicked our allies with his NATO comments. That spent months accusing our President of not being a real American.

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Tensions flare between NY delegates for Sanders, Clinton:

  • PHILADELPHIA -- An appeal for party unity by Hillary Clinton delegates at the Democratic National Convention was a little too strong for some Bernie Sanders delegates from New York.

    Delegates from both sides exchanged harsh words and raised their voices Monday night when Clinton delegates and Democratic Party officials asked everyone in the delegation to hold signs expressing their unity.

    When some Sanders delegates balked, tempers flared, said Brian Escobar, a Syracuse-area delegate for Sanders.

    "Some of the delegates sitting in the front row were insisting that Sanders delegates take signs they were handing out," Escobar said in an interview Tuesday. "It was tense."

    Escobar, 31, of Clay, is among Sanders delegates who say they are not ready to support Clinton as the Democratic nominee to take on Republican Donald Trump in November.

    If Sanders is not the party's nominee, Escobar said he will likely vote for him as a write-in candidate, or vote for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man on 7/24/16 @ 9:49 am
Onto the DNC which I'm guessing will be easily a more positive unifying convention than the GOP's.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
That's a lie WB and has been debunked...
Fox Correspondent Corrects Own Network’s False Attack The DNC Showcases No American Flags
Your the one that is supporting a person who has draft dodged and attacked and panicked our allies with his NATO comments. That spent months accusing our President of not being a real American.

Y'know... EVERY FOUR YEARS you allege the Republican running is a draft dodger. You know who ACTUALLY IS a draft dodger? The former Democrat president who is married to the candidate he was speaking in advocacy of. William Jefferson something-or-other.

And regarding the flags, there are many, many photos I've seen of those Soviet and Palestinian flags just outside the DNC convention, and inside the DNC convention auditorium as well. It's very possible (as occurred with the DNC's complete whitewash of ISIS and terrorism mentions the first day) that the Democrats were shamed into displaying flags after the fact so that they appear now.
Likewise, as I mentioned above, how the Democrats bring the mothers of fronted victims of racist police violence, while giving no voice or mention of the wives and families of police killed in multiple cities over the last few weeks. AGAIN: Cops who were arguably killed because of black rage stoked by false and inflammatory Democrat rhetoric.

And you know who created the accusation that Barack Obama isn't a U.S. citizen? The Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008. (They also alleged that McCain isn't a U.S. citizen as well. McCain was born in Panama, son of two U.S.-born parents, one a Navy Admiral, at a U.S. Naval Base.)
So spare me the sanctimony on either of these points. The Hillary Rodent Clinton campaign has demonstrated there is no low they will avoid going to.

(And regarding the "birther" charge questioning Barack Obama's citizenship, you've never heard me on board for that. Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter, to name two, have cited that the two major newspapers in Hawaii announced Obama's birth there, at the time he was born. And there is no logical reason his parents (both students then at University of Hawaii, with little money to travel and no reason to have traveled to another country at that time) would have given birth to Obama anywhere but Hawaii.

Both Obama and Hillary are Alinsky-trained cultural Marxists, both active as and associated with many other anti-American Marxist radicals whose patriotism I question based on facts of their lives. But they were, unfortunately, born here.

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    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Tensions flare between NY delegates for Sanders, Clinton:

  • PHILADELPHIA -- An appeal for party unity by Hillary Clinton delegates at the Democratic National Convention was a little too strong for some Bernie Sanders delegates from New York.

    Delegates from both sides exchanged harsh words and raised their voices Monday night when Clinton delegates and Democratic Party officials asked everyone in the delegation to hold signs expressing their unity.

    When some Sanders delegates balked, tempers flared, said Brian Escobar, a Syracuse-area delegate for Sanders.

    "Some of the delegates sitting in the front row were insisting that Sanders delegates take signs they were handing out," Escobar said in an interview Tuesday. "It was tense."

    Escobar, 31, of Clay, is among Sanders delegates who say they are not ready to support Clinton as the Democratic nominee to take on Republican Donald Trump in November.

    If Sanders is not the party's nominee, Escobar said he will likely vote for him as a write-in candidate, or vote for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man on 7/24/16 @ 9:49 am
Onto the DNC which I'm guessing will be easily a more positive unifying convention than the GOP's.

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Y'know... EVERY FOUR YEARS you allege the Republican running is a draft dodger.

To be fair, not even MEM tried that trick with McCain.

I do seem to recall him arguing that McCain, at 70, was too old and out of touch to serve as president, however.

I also seem to recall him using, as an example of being too old and out of touch, McCain's inability to properly use a computer for emails.

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I wouldn't put a lot of trust in your memory. I actually debated about supporting McCain here. I ended up voting Obama but still recognize McCain as being an honorable person.

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You could be right and I could be confusing you with whomod. That was eight years ago after all.

In the meantime, back to the subject at hand:

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man on 7/24/16 @ 9:49 am
Onto the DNC which I'm guessing will be easily a more positive unifying convention than the GOP's.


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And WB don't try to dismiss Trump's own actions with his birther charge with debunked claims that it was part of Hillary's campaign. He's a piece of trash and is unfit to be President. And wrap him in a flag and use those Alinsky propaganda techniques all you want, he's still trash.

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He trolled Soetoro into responding.

Debunked or not, the move got to him. That's useful.

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Empty. As. Fuck.

Democratic National Convention. Underfunded, non-energized bullshit that no one gives a fuck about.

I wonder what's worse: having Bernie supporters boo everyone into oblivion or taking away their passes and revealing how unpopular your party is.

I have a suspicion that Hilldawg might end up being called away on some emergency so she doesn't have to speak in that tomb.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Are you hearing boos tonight g?

Sanders supporters erupt In Boos and Chants of "no more war" during Panetta speech

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man on 7/24/16 @ 9:49 am
So it's Clinton/Kaine for the 2016 ticket. Onto the DNC which I'm guessing will be easily a more positive unifying convention than the GOP's.

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Trump hi-jacks DNC.


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Obama is Fucking him in the ass right now, lol

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I never thought Obama was all that great a speaker but over his two terms he's had great ones. This was one of those times.

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Yeah, I definitely loved that bit about how he said the economy is doing great.

Even Bernie Sanders agrees with him on that!

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Obama is Fucking him in the ass right now, lol

Not the first guy Obama fucked in the ass if your posts from 2008 are to be believed..

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man on 7/24/16 @ 9:49 am
Onto the DNC which I'm guessing will be easily a more positive unifying convention than the GOP's.

With Obama speaking inside, protests again erupt outside DNC in Philly: For a second straight night, protesters converged on the gates of the Democratic National Convention here, and for a second straight night there were scuffles, flag burnings and moments of panic and disorder.

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Trump KILLED both Hillary and the pro-Hillary media in his press conference yesterday. In comments to Katie Couric and others, he raked them over the coals again and again for their bias in coverage, in their reluctance to say anything negative about Hillary's mistakes, and their eagerness to leap on anything negative they can about Trump, their indifference and silence to anything Trump does right.
He concluded taunting Hillary to do a similar press conference, pointing out that despite she makes scripted appearances every day, it's been two hundred-plus days (seven months!) since Hillary has made herself available in an open format for questions from the press.

Which, of course, Hillary will never do. Her illegal server and e-mails, the Benghazi cover-up, irregularities surrounding the Clintons and James Comey and Loretta Lynch, ongoing investigation of the Clinton Foundation that allows foreign governments to buy her presidency, on and on. These are questions that can only be avoided in a very controlled environment for candidate Hillary.

Notice how in all the days of the DNC convention, no mention of ISIS, no mention of her scandals, no mention of Hillary's "war on women" her personal orchestrating the destruction of women who came forward to discuss their inappropriate relationships with Bill Clinton.
In a very carefully constructed narrative, her lifetime of corruption and scandal can only be glossed over by complete omission. With the full participation of the pro-Hillary media.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man on 7/24/16 @ 9:49 am
Onto the DNC which I'm guessing will be easily a more positive unifying convention than the GOP's.

Despite unity push, Sanders supporters now urge Dem 'exit'
  • Despite the Democratic Party’s robust efforts this week to put forward a show of unity at their Philadelphia convention – including bringing Hillary Clinton onstage Wednesday night for a handoff hug from President Obama – a rowdy swath of disaffected voters is making clear the theatrics haven’t healed the fractured base.

    Anti-Clinton and other demonstrators are moving forward Thursday with at least one protest, and holding events encouraging voters to “de-register” from the party.

    They’re operating in part under the Twitter hashtag #DemExit, one that Green Party candidate Jill Stein has deftly been using as she openly appeals to Sanders supporters to join her team outside the Philly convention arena.

    “DNC wants your support for lying, undermining, and insulting you. They'll lock you out if you don't comply. #DemExit,” Stein tweeted.

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Dexit rolls better off the tongue.

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Bernie's leaving the DEMs.

I guess he got tired of...

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man on 7/24/16 @ 9:49 am
Onto the DNC which I'm guessing will be easily a more positive unifying convention than the GOP's.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Are you hearing boos tonight g?

Democrats Hastily Nominate Tim Kaine For VP To Avoid Boos: After having deemed the measure passed, Fudge continued talking as some in the crowd could be heard protesting and demanding an actual roll call vote of all the delegates. The music inside the convention hall was then turned up to drown out the protests.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
That's a lie WB and has been debunked...

Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention:
  • Myth-busting website Snopes flagrantly lied about the lack of visible American flags on the first day of the Democratic Convention, claiming an image from the second day of the convention was actually from the first day in an attempt to debunk a factual story from The Daily Caller.

    First, the facts. TheDC reported on Monday about the lack of visible American flags at day one of the convention. Several flags were briefly on stage for the national anthem and pledge of allegiance, at which point they were carried off stage, as the C-SPAN video for Monday clearly shows at the 35:40 mark. Even PolitiFact, which tends to lean to the left, noted that “when the color guard left, so did the physical flag.” After that point, the stage was devoid of any American flags for the remainder of day one.

    As reported by TheDC, the DNC added flags to the stage for the second day of the convention — Tuesday, July 26. That same day, Snopes writer Dan Evon wrote a “fact-check” article declaring it “false” that: “No American flags were on display at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.”

    Evon offered as proof A) a screenshot from PBS’ coverage of day one, taken during the pledge of allegiance — before the flags were removed — and B) the below screenshot of C-SPAN’s day two coverage (visible at the 6:36 mark here) and claimed it was from day one of the convention. In fact, Mallory Weggemann — the paralympic swimmer who gave Tuesday’s pledge of allegiance — can be seen sitting in her wheelchair as the flag-bearers walk past her.

    Snopes presented the above image as a screenshot from day one of the convention, captioning it: “Contrary to claims that flags were added to the DNC’s staging only after the Democrats were criticized for not displaying any flags at the event, photographs captured U.S. flags being set up on the stage prior to the start of the convention and in place on the stage during Day 1 of the event.” In other words, Snopes — which presents itself as a credible media source for debunking lies on the internet — flat out lied.

    What’s worse, Snopes appears to have ripped that image from left-wing non-proft Media Matters’ coverage of the story. But even Media Matters — known for its misleading claims and hatchet jobs — didn’t claim that the screenshot came from Monday’s coverage. Apparently, it was too much for Evon to actually watch the convention on which he was presenting himself as the authoritative source.

    Snopes also used the below Media Matters clip from Fox News as “proof” that flags were present on day one of the convention. But that video, like Snopes’ borrowed screenshot, came from day two of the convention. That clip, like the above image, confirmed TheDC’s report that the flags which were missing on day one were added to the stage for day two.

    By press time, Snopes had not returned TheDC’s inquiries about their clear falsehoods.

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