WB, Annette Funicello dead at 70 topic, 4-17-2013

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Mxy, you are obsessive in your need to slander me.

I'll go through them.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
as we have an increasingly large non-European population, we run the risk of having our culture, and our Democratic government itself, at risk of being overwhelmed by non-European interests. Such as La Raza. Such as loss of sovereignty inside a borderless North American Union. As hispanic immigration has increased, we've seen the kind of corruption and election fraud that occurs in the latin american countries we are receiving massive immigration from.

I fail to see the racism in my remark. That is a pure statement of fact. That while I welcome immigrants from everywhere who want to be American, learn english, assimilate and become a productive taxpaying part of our culture, it is a simple fact that hispanic immigrants, particularly from Mexico, central America and the Caribbean, tend to have lower ratios of high school graduation and higher training, have higher incidence of gang membership, crime, incarceration, and welfare use.

It is logical, based on pure performance and not racial considerations, to conclude exactly what I said.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
if most [Mexicans] were lawful, loyal and productive Americans who respected our laws and didn't act like a separate nation within our nation, I would have no problem with that. (...) In your anti-American wet dream of a hispanicized America, the United States will cease to exist.

Again, the demographics of Mexican immigration to the U.S. Southwestern states, 60% of illegal immigrants are Mecican, the Cinco De Mayo parades under MEXICAN (not American) flags, and the radical pan-Mexican groups who say they are "taking back" the U.S. Southwest, a Los Angeles mayor (Vilaraigossa) who is an unrepentant member of MEChA, and many other treasonous Mexican separatist movements with hundreds of high school and college chapters nationwide, it's again not "racist" to view with suspicion a group of immigrants who cling to foreign nationalism and a clear hostility toward the American mainstream (i.e., "Gringos")

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Hispanics are expected to reach 25% (double the already high numbers) by 2040.

And yet you don't see that as an invasion. It is a formula for balkanization and separatism. It is national suicide.

That, again, is a statement of fact.

Made all the more clear by the breakaway republics of Kosovo and Macedonia in the last 10 years, because they did not discourage immigration into Serbian provinces that have now taken over their lands.
And similar balkanization in Quebec/Canada, Scotland/United Kingdom, Czech/Slovakia, Flemish/Belgium, Chechnya/Russia, and many other balkanized states on the brink of separatissm.

Why would we NOT discourage that in the U.S., and preserve the Republic?

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Koreans, Phillipinos, Chinese and India. These I would gladly welcome over more Mexicans

For non-racist and purely demographic evidence of which nationalities would best assimilate, pursue higher education, and be productive U.S. citizens.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
These hispanics, whether legal or illegal, are a hostile anti-American force within the United States, that acts against our national interests.

That is just a statement of fact. Legal hispanics who lobby for, hide and otherwise enable illegal immigration and work against the interests of the United States and its citizens, act as enemies of the nation.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
to confuse the public into increasingly supporting globalism and a North American Union movement, supported by rampant immigration, and hispanic groups that see the U.S. Constitution as a "transitional document", in a movement toward dissolution of the United States, and as a stage toward that, Mexicanizing and separatist nationalism for the Mexicanized Southwest.

That doesn't sound like my wording accurately quoted. But regardless, I again speaak only of a group working against the national interest, not excluding anyone based on their race. Only on their ideological/political foreign loyalty that makes them a threat to the United States, and therefore undesireable.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Although there is a hostility against whites that is prevalent in the black community, that contributes to a higher incidence of black-on-white crime, of liberal propaganda [myths of white-on-black violence that perpetuate the EXACT REVERSE of the truth] that contributes to black rage boiling over.

In this quote I primarily discuss liberal media bias that creates the false phantom of exaggerated white racism toward blacks, when statistics (from the U.S. justice dept, that I've quoted many times) show the reverse of what the liberal media portrays: that black-on-white race-motivated attacks occcur at a ratio of 50-to-1 of the reverse.

So by the medi portraying exaggerated coverage of white-on-black attacks, they are --based on falsely disproportionate reporting of the truth-- stoking the anger of blacks toward whites, and creating greater black racism toward whites.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
William Shockley (...) put forth a theory that blacks are genetically inferior to whites and other races.

But for politically correct reasons, Shockley's theories are shunned by the global science community. Not because his theories are disproven, but that for reasons of controversy, they are pejudicially not even considered. A similar theory came out in a book titled The Bell Curve in the early 1990's. (...) saying racists are less intelligent is just another way to slander a group of people whose ideas you don't like. Something liberals are very good at.

Shockley is a Nobel prize-winning scientist who created the transistor circuit (replacing vacuum tubes and making modern computers and the personal computers we are both typing on possible.)
I didn't say that I agree with Shockley, only that he presented an argument that was dismissively ignored for reasons of pure political correctness.
The same way anyone who even questions if homosexuality is not inborn, but possibly learned or an obsessive disorder are ignored and scorned.
The same way that about 10% of scientists who challenge global warming theory are ignored and scorned.

Because flat-earth liberals won't even allow these theories to be objectively examined and debated, we don't know whether these alternative theories are true or not. The Left's holy war on progress, that anything enshrined by the Left to be true cannot be objectively examined. And any who try will be demonized and shunned from the professional liberal-dominated community.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.